Giant Cell Tumor – Surgery and Hardware
I came across this interesting site talking about surgery and hardware in my researching the issues I’ve been having. It’s been 9 months since my surgery, and my knee isn’t right. It’s still slowly improving – I think – but I still have to favor it quite a bit. I can’t kneel on it with weight, it hasn’t the range of motion it used to, and I have to be very careful not to hit the area where the hardware is against anything, even lightly. On cold days or after serious exertion it hurts – not just where the tumor was, but down the tibia, where the hardware reaches.
I never before considered that bones – living bones – bend, and hardware like what’s installed after a surgery like GCT treatment means preventing part of the bone from bending, and placing stress on it. I think that the layman’s assumption about hardware is that it’s supposed to make the area where it’s placed stronger. And in some ways it does… but in others it makes it in a way weaker too.